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Health Services

Welcome to Health Services!

Legacy Christian Academy’s health services contributes to the goals of the education system and healthcare system by providing screenings and referrals, administering medications and treatments, providing first aid, providing health counseling and education, and supporting students to acquire self-management skills.  The purpose of health services is to ensure that all students are healthy and ready to learn, to provide for the wellbeing and safety of all our students, and to comply with regulations set forth by the Ohio Department of Health.

Information about many requirements and downloadable forms are listed below.


School Wellness Policy

The purpose of the School Wellness policy is to provide a written plan that includes methods to promote student wellness, prevent and reduce childhood obesity, and provide assurance that school meals and other food and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day meet the minimum Federal standards.

Legacy Christian Academy is committed to the optimal development of every student, and providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. LCA believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, we need to create positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.   

The LCA School Wellness Policy can be viewed by clicking on the link to the right.

Legacy Christian Academy's School Wellness Committee meets at least four times per year to establish and oversee school health and safety policies and programs, including development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the School Wellness Policy. Meetings are open to the community to attend. Information on meeting dates and times will be posted in the Knightly News and on the LCA social media accounts. Triennial assessments are available upon request. (email the Director of Food Services, Lindsay Strickle at


Covid-19 policy

The isolation and quarantine guidelines for schools, updated on 8/7/24.

CDC guidance no longer requires that those who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of five days before returning to school. It instead focuses on isolation until symptoms improve. The guidance suggests people can return to normal activities when symptoms have been improving for 24 hours, and if fever was present, it have been gone for 24 hours without use of a fever-reducing medication.


Emergency Medical Authorization

Medical information and Emergency Medical Authorization (EMA) is included in the on-line enrollment.  If your student has a medical condition that you would like to address personally, please contact Mrs. Hartsell.  Parents are advised at the beginning of the year to notify the school secretary of any address, phone number, or emergency contact changes throughout the year.  



In accordance with ORC 3313.671 (K-12th) and ORC 5104.014 (PK), all new students are required to submit a current immunization record, from a physician office or county health department, prior to the 15th day of school. Students who fail to meet this deadline will be withheld from attending school until one is submitted.  It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that this documentation is submitted. Immunization requirements are changed frequently by the Ohio Department of Health. Immunization requirements for school attendance can be found in the right side panel.  

Parents who chose to exempt their child from receiving immunizations will need to provide the clinic with a school issued immunization exemption form on an annual basis by the 15th day of school.  The exemption form is available upon request to the school nurse.   Please be advised that legislative policies regarding the permissiveness of immunization exemptions is currently being reviewed, and the school policies regarding this issue may be subject to change.



All Pre-K students, in addition to the immunization record, are required to have documentation of a current physical examination completed within the last year, and must be updated every 13 months.  This documentation must be submitted prior to the start of school.  The school issued student health form is available on the health services web page.  It is recommended that all students entering school for the first time have a health record completed by their physician. Health record forms can be found in the right side panel.


Medical Conditions and Required Individual Health Forms 

Please have a physician complete any of the following that pertain to your student.  You may use the school supplied forms, or those provided by your child's physician.  Students must have an Emergency Action plan submitted if they require emergency medication during school hours, after school events, and field trips/ministry trips.

     Allergy Parent Letter
     Emergency Action Plan - Allergy
     Individualized Health Care Plan - Allergy

     Asthma Parent Letter
     Emergency Action Plan - Asthma
     Individualized Health Care Plan - Asthma

     Diabetes Parent Letter
     Medical Management Plan - Diabetes

     Epilepsy Parent Letter
     Seizure Description Form
     Seizure Action Plan



School regulations are in accordance with Section 3313.713 of Ohio Law regarding administration of medications to students at school, and strict compliance will be enforced to provide a safe setting for your child.  All after school activities and field trips are considered an extension of the school day and are therefore subject to the medication policies.  Please review the Parent/Student Handbook for specific information regarding the school policy for medications.

** It is illegal for students to carry any medication on their person or property, with the exception to emergency medications that have been approved by a physician and school nurse as a self-carry medication.

**Please DO NOT send in medications with elementary students.  Parents or older siblings must bring them into the clinic.

** The school nurse will not administer any narcotic medications, herbal supplements, or any product that has not been approved by FDA.

The Prescription or Non-Prescription Medication form can be found in the right side panel.

Non Prescription Medication (over the counter):

“Medication” pertains to prescription medications and all over the counter medications (including cough drops).  JH and HS students may carry their own cough drops after the school has submitted a Medication Authorization form to the clinic. *Multiple students in one family may share an over the counter medication, however each child requires an individual Medication Authorization form. *

For your convenience the clinic will stock the following medications:

  • Caladryl Lotion
  • Childrens Motrin ® oral suspension liquid (2-11 years)
  • Childrens Tylenol® oral suspension liquid (2-11 years)
  • Extra Strength Tylenol (12 years and older)
  • Halls Cough Drops (5 years and older)
  • Neosporin
  • Motrin IB (12 years and older)

Beginning this school year, you will have the choice to give permission for school supplied medications using the SNAP Health Portal, or you can use the hard copy forms. You will receive a notice through the Portal giving you the option to choose the medications for which you are granting permission. A copy of Prescription Medication orders may be scanned as well, or you may use the school's hard copy form.

  • If the parent/guardian chooses a medication, other than the aforementioned, then a supply of that medication is to be given to the school nurse according to the following requirements:
    • The medication is to be brought in the original, unopened, and non-expired container with a completed Medication Authorization form signed by the parent/guardian.


Emergency Medications:

Such as Epinephrine auto injectors (ORC 3313.718), Inhalers (ORC 3313.716), and Glucagon (ORC 3313.7112) are required to have a medication authorization form, and appropriate Emergency Action Plan (EAP) signed by a physician, and an Individualized Health Care Plan (IHP), and will be stored in the clinic.  You may use the school supplied forms, or those provided by your child's physician. The student, upon permission of the physician, and approval of the school nurse may carry an Epinephrine auto injector and/or Inhaler. 

*In compliance with ORC 3313.718, and for the safety of the student, a backup Epinephrine auto injector is required, to be stored in the clinic.  This same practice is highly recommended for Inhalers as well.  


Exclusion from School for Illness

The clinic is designed for short-term assistance until the student can either return to class or be sent home. If a student becomes ill at school, we ask that you arrange transportation to pick up your child within 1 hour.  Please know that it is not within the school nurse’s scope of practice to provide you with any diagnosis. In order to provide for the well-being and safety of all our students, we ask that you exclude your child from school for the following symptoms, until symptom free for 24 hrs without medication.

  • Oral temperature ≥100°
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe coughing
  • Eye discharge, pain, or redness
  • Suspicious rash with undetermined origin
  • Difficult or rapid breathing

If your child has seen his/her physician and has been diagnosed with a communicable disease, he/she needs to be on antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, or anti-parasitic medication for 24 hours, or otherwise noted by a physician before returning to school.  In some cases, when a communicable disease is affecting multiple students we may ask that you exclude your child from school for 48 hours.

Communicable Disease Exclusion (This is not a complete list)

Chicken Pox - Excluded from school until all lesions are crusted over.
Conjunctivitis - (Pink Eye) -Excluded from school, may return 24 hours after medication has begun.
COVID-19 - Children with a positive test or signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19 following a known exposure to the virus shall be excluded until isolation criteria is met. For latest isolation guidelines, contact the school nurse.
Fifth Disease - Student may return as physician directs or when fever has subsided.
Head Lice - Excluded from school until treated very few to no nits. Parents are to notify nurse if their child has lice.
Influenza - Excluded from school until fever-free for 24 hours
Impetigo - May return 24 hours after treatment has begun and all lesions (sores) are gone.
Measles - Excluded from school for four days following the onset of rash, and a physician’s note is submitted which designates a return date.
Mononucleosis - Student may return as physician directs.
Meningitis, Bacterial-excluded until at least 24 hrs of effective treatment and a physician’s note is submitted which designates a return date.
Meningitis, Viral- excluded until fever-free for 24 hours, and a physician’s note is submitted which designates a return date.
MRSA - excluded until at least 24 hrs of effective treatment, and with written permission from the physician. All affected areas must be covered.
Ringworm - Excluded from school until 24 hrs of affective treatment is completed.  Excluded from contact sports until lesions are gone
Strep Throat – Excluded until 24 hrs of appropriate antibiotic therapy is completed.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)- Excluded for at least 5 days after initiation of antimicrobial treatment has begun, and a physician’s note is submitted which designates a return date.

** Please email or call the school nurse if your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease/illness.  This helps the school nurse track patterns of illness and alert other families if needed.  Your child’s identity will remain confidential.


Health Screenings

Health Screenings, listed below will be provided by the school nurse for all PK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th graders and any students new to the school. If your child is not in the aforementioned grades and you wish for your child to participate in the screenings, please contact Mrs. Hartsell. If your child fails any of the screening exams a referral for a more extensive exam from a physician will be emailed to you. 

Grade PK, K, 1, 3, 5, 9               Hearing
Grade PK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9           Vision
Grade 9                                      Blood Pressure

Specific parent or teacher referrals may be addressed at any age level. All screenings will be done on all students in the above grade levels unless a specific written request is made by the parent or guardian that the screening be omitted.

Jamie Hartsell

School Nurse

Phone: 937-352-1655

Fax: 937-352-1639

Hannah Schroeder


Phone: 937-352-1655

Fax: 937-352-1639

Evening Tour & P