Numismatic Society 
Numismatics /NEW-miss-MAT'-ticks/ - noun: The study or collection of coins,
currency, tokens, medals, and related objects.
We are a group of LCA students, homeschool students, and parent volunteers who enjoy the study and collection of coins, currency, and related items. We have monthly meetings after school from September through May. We learn new things, earn medals for our achievements, and sometimes go on field trips. We finish the year with a big auction!
Our fun activities and rewarding projects support our student's personal growth and learning in the areas of research, social studies, science, and more. Our members are regularly counted among top achievers in our school!
Interested in joining us? Student Member Info Sheet.
1) Read our Student Member Info Sheet. (Parents, please read our Parent Info Sheet).
2) Print and complete a Membership Application.
3) Bring your application, dues, and recent grade card in an envelope addressed to "LKNS" to the school office; or simply bring it to the next LKNS meeting. We accept new members from August through March of each school year.
Elementary Run Club
Coach - Margaret Kensinger and James Rodriguez
August 25th - October 19th
Open to boys and girls in grades 4 - 6. Our program will be designed to teach and develop runners in their physical growth; running form and pace, nutrition, and competition, as well as encourage fellowship, community, perseverance, character and their spiritual walk with God.
We will have approximately 2 instructional practices per week at LCA, and runners will be expected to condition through other sports, activities, and/or personal running schedule. We will also be participating in several cross-country "fun-run" races which will be approximately 1 mile in length. Runners will also have the opportunity to participate in a 2-mile race at the end of the season!
Contact the Athletic Department for more information.
Elementary Basketball
End of November - End of February
For both boys and girls in 2nd - 6th grade. Our teams are members of the Dayton Metro League. This is a competitive winter select basketball league serving over 40 communities and over 430 teams from 3rd to 6th grades for both boys and girls.
Contact the Athletic Department for more information.
Elementary Wrestling
Coach - Tim Hoskins
November - February
For Kindergarten thru 6th grade boys. This program introduces young athletes to competitive wrestling. They will learn skills, techniques and the rules of wrestling. They will compete in the USA Wrestling Association.
Contact the Athletic Department for more information.
Chess Club
Josh Pavon-Club Leader
3rd – 12th grade students are welcome to participate in learning strategy and playing the game of chess each Wednesday after school in the Library. Normally 10 to 12 students participate, but we are always looking to include more! Playing Chess can help to improve reading skills, attention span, creativity, concentration and memory. While playing chess, you use both sides of your brain, develop problem solving skills and strategic thinking. It is a fun way to compete and make friends!
“Chess helps you to concentrate and improve your logic. It teaches you to play by the rules, take responsibility for your actions and how to problem solve in an uncertain environment.” – Garry Kasparov (a chess grandmaster)
Non-Discrimination Policy: Legacy Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in admissions policies, financial aid, athletic and other school-administered programs. Legacy Christian Academy reserves the right to select students on the basis of academic performance, religious commitment, lifestyle choices, and personal qualifications including a willingness to cooperate with Legacy Christian Academy administration and to abide by its policies. (Romans 2:11)