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"When we sing or create music, we use all the parts of the brain: left, right, front, and back. All these parts collaborate. That is very unique! Music is complex; that is, it uses so many aspects of a person's being." (Hanne Deneire, composer).

This quote is a nice summary of an enormous body of research advocating for music as a vital part of any school’s curriculum. The study of music is a high value here at LCA. Both the Old and New Testaments make it clear that music is to be a vital part of our worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Music is a way in which we connect to many cultures and many time periods. Songs about other lands and times brings us into the lives of others in a meaningful way.

Additionally, the study and practice of music instills the exercise of personal discipline into the lives of the students. Correctly practicing instruments on a daily basis, and preparing for concerts, teaches students how to focus and achieve immediate goals. The benefits of this training will overflow into other aspects of each student’s life.


Elementary Music

  • Singing – Students sing songs from other lands and other times, worship songs, and songs that are just plain fun.
  • Music Theory – Students learn the fundamentals of how to read the “road map” of printed music.
  • Music History and Appreciation – Students learn to see how and why music is enjoyed by others. 
  • Classroom Instruments – Students learn the basics of playing classroom instruments up through grade 4. (In grades 5 & 6 they sign up for actual “adult” instruments through our Band and Orchestra program.)

PreK - 2nd General Music 

  • Early elementary music students learn the fundamentals of understanding, creating, and reacting to music: singing, performing, composing, listening and responding, reading and identifying notes and rhythms, and responding to music through dance and movement. 
  • Young students also perform in two mini-musicals each school year where they get to put their knowledge into action as they perform musically and theatrically for their parents and the community.

5th-12th Orchestra

  • Orchestra students learn the fundamentals of instrumental music through growing their adeptness at instrumental proficiency and note reading, through exploring the foundational concepts of music history and theory, and through various performance opportunities both in and out of school.
  • Instrumental ensembles also perform in two school-wide concerts each school year for their parents and the community, as well as participate in various extracurricular concerts, festivals, and adjudicated contests to broaden their repertoire and expand their performance experience. 

Secondary Choir

Throughout this school year your child will be working on vocal technique, harmony, music theory, music history, sight-reading music and ear-training. Within all of these musical goals, my hope is that your child will experience a positive vocal education and grow closer to God through singing.

  • To establish and reinforce correct singing/musical techniques and skills.  
  • To improve the use of expressive elements such as dynamics, phrasing, and tempo.  
  • To perform various styles and music before audiences.
  • To work together, each doing his or her own best to be part of the choir.

Worship Leadership

Students in this group serve in leading worship music as part of our weekly high school chapel service including vocals, guitar, keyboard, and drums. While this group is actually not a part of the music department, we want to enable our students to use the musical gifts and talents which God has entrusted to them. This group is developed through the principal's office via the chapel coordinator.







Karenna Schick

Elementary Music

Kirsten Fortier

Secondary Band

Lydia Stout

Strings & Choral Music


Evening Tour & P