2023 Costa Rica Team
- Serving students in Costa Rica March 14th-21st
- Team Mission Statement: Know God. Be his people. Love others. Change our world.
- Team Blog: https://legacychristian.wixsite.com/costarica
- Team Instagram: @lca_2_cr
Ministry Trips change lives! In cooperation with our ministry partners, LaMar and Joanna Salley of GC2 Ministries, Legacy Christian Academy students have the wonderful opportunity to travel to Costa Rica and join forces with local churches and fellow believers in ministry. Our students share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ through hosting Bible Clubs, providing ESL classes and hosting outreach events for hundreds of children and youth. To financially support a member of this year's ministry trip team, please go to our giving page by clicking on the button below. Thank you for partnering with us as we share the heart and life changing love of Christ in Costa Rica.