Financial Aid and Scholarships
Need based financial assistance is available for families in full-time PreK through 12th grade through three programs:
Ohio EdChoice Scholarships
LCA Financial Aid
LEAF Scholarships
Decisions are finalized based on need and not solely on income levels. Families are encouraged to consider the application process for the programs below if there is a need for financial assistance.
In addition, LCA is a provider of the Ohio Department of Education Jon Peterson (JPSN) Special Needs Scholarship which allocates scholarships to students who are eligible to attend kindergarten through 12th grade and have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their district.
Once awarded, as a condition of continuing to receive a LEAF scholarship, the student(s) and parent(s) must support the mission of LCA and remain in good standing in the areas of conduct, academic performance, and financial accounts.
Available programs
Non-Discrimination Policy: Legacy Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in admissions policies, financial aid, athletic and other school-administered programs. Legacy Christian Academy reserves the right to select students on the basis of academic performance, religious commitment, lifestyle choices, and personal qualifications including a willingness to cooperate with Legacy Christian Academy administration and to abide by its policies. (Romans 2:11)