Ohio EdChoice Scholarship Renewal Applications
It is time to submit your Ohio EdChoice Scholarship Renewal applications for the 2025/2026 school year. Click HERE for the EdChoice Renewal application. Completed applications, along with a copy of a recent utility bill for proof of address, can be dropped off at the main office or emailed to Erin Blake. If your student is not currently on the EdChoice Scholarship and you would like to apply, email Erin Blake for a New EdChoice Scholarship application. All students in grades K-12 are eligible for this scholarship.
Participation Fees
All Participation Fees for Winter Sports and Drama should now be paid. If you have an outstanding balance in either of those two categories, please log into your FACTS account to make a payment as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Jill McClain.
Stay Healthy
We are experiencing an increase in student absences due to illness. As a very friendly reminder, please keep your child home if he or she exhibits a fever (100.0° or higher), persistent cough, pain with swallowing, vomiting/diarrhea, or severe body aches. Students may return to school when they are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours, and symptoms have improved. Please remind your child(ren) of the importance of handwashing!

LCA Fundraiser at Raising Cane's - February 11th
Legacy families are all welcome on February 11th to help raise support for prom by going out to Raising Cane's Chicken. 15% of all proceeds from that night will go directly towards the Junior Senate’s fundraising for the dance. The hours of this are from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Orders can also be placed directly online through the link HERE. This includes a code for online orders
on the day of as well. Reminders will be sent home with elementary school students in “Friday Folders” and at the Monday night boys varsity basketball game.
Please show your support by coming out this Tuesday to the Raising Cane's Chicken by the Fairfield Commons.
Annual Friendship Day Fundraiser
In an effort to fundraiser for Prom, the Junior class will be taking orders for balloons or flowers to be delivered to students on February 14th. Place your orders between January 27th and February 11th through our Google form and payment can either be brought to a Junior class senate member at lunch or to the main office. Deliveries can be made to students in all grade levels. Elementary parents - look for information in next week's Friday folder.

Teddy Bear Tea - February 13th
If you have friends or family that are interested in Legacy for either Kindergarten or PreK next year, please encourage them to sign up for our Teddy Bear Tea on Thursday, February 13th, at 4:00pm. Children enjoy crafts and snacks in one of our Kindergarten classrooms, while parents meet our faculty and take a tour of our campus. Prospective families can sign up HERE.
LCA Day of Giving - February 13th
As we enter tax season, plan to redirect your Ohio tax dollars toward LCA student scholarships. If your household income exceeds $26,051, you have an Ohio tax liability even if you receive a refund from your Ohio tax return. Making a donation to LEAF results in a dollar-for dollar-tax credit and either increases your refund, or reduces the amount you owe. It also allows you to redirect that portion of your tax liability to fund Christian Education. LCA's upcoming Day of Giving is centered around giving to LEAF and making a Legacy education more accessible to families in need. Learn more about Ohio SGOs here.
JH Winter Play - 'Little Women'
Legacy Christian Academy Presents…
Little Women
By Louisa May Alcott | Adapted by Scott Davidson
February 21-22 at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium
Click HERE for Tickets
$6 students + seniors | $8 adults
"Share this timeless and enduring classic about the March sisters’ journey from childhood to maturity during the American Civil War. Audiences of all generations will enjoy acquainting — or reacquainting — themselves with the sisters: Meg, the eldest; Jo, the high-spirited tomboy; Amy, the self-centered beauty; and gentle Beth, as well as their beloved Marmee and Father. Together the March family learns to endure both good times and bad as they share the joys and pains of growing up."

A Knight to Remember - Volunteers Needed
It's time to start planning our annual dinner and auction, scheduled to take place on October 4th! We need an army of volunteers to help make this event happen. Sign up to attend our Informational Meeting to learn more about how you can be involved!
Date: Tuesday, February 25th
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Location: LCA Cafeteria
Email Stephanie Hager with any questions.
2025 - 2026 Enrollment
Since Legacy operates using a continuous enrollment model, we do not require families to complete a re-enrollment packet for each upcoming school year, and we do not charge a re-enrollment fee. As part of continuous enrollment, each student will remain enrolled until graduation or until we are notified that he or she will not return. We hope all our students will return next year, but if your child(ren) will not attend LCA next year, please notify the Admissions Office by February 28th of your plans to withdraw. Families who notify us of withdrawal after this date are subject to a $1000 withdrawal fee per student.
Please contact the admissions office with any questions. admissions@legacyknights.org
Day of Prayer and Service
Our Day of Prayer and Service on February 21 will focus on sharing the gospel, supporting foreign missions, and praying for those who have opportunities to spread the gospel. HERE is the schedule for the day. We will have several guest speakers along with opportunities to discuss The Great Commission and sharing the gospel in your chapel groups. Parents, you are welcome to join us during our assembly times in the auditorium to hear from our speakers.
Legacy Knights Numismatic Society
Monday, February 17 - Field Trip to Osborne Mint in Cincinnati! We will meet on LCA campus on Presidents' Day (no school!) at 8:30am to caravan down, returning by 2:30pm. Lunch provided! Need volunteer parent drivers with minivans etc. as parking at the mint is limited. Watch for signup info in email and flyers!
Monday, February 24 - Annual Birthday of LKNS Party - 3-5pm in the cafeteria. Be ready to earn some KPC playing Numismatic Jeopardy!

Early Dismissal - March 11th
March 11 is our PreACT/ACT Testing day for grades 7-11. Seniors are required to come at 8:00am for a Senior Breakfast and meeting in the cafeteria led by the senior class mentors (see Mrs. DeLong or Mr. Johnson if you have any questions). This day will be a 1:00pm early dismissal for all grade levels with no secondary lunch provided. Elementary will have lunch provided and their dismissal will begin at 12:40pm.
Student Senate
Interested in being part of Student Senate next year? The process of applying for the 2025-2026 school year is underway! Please read this DOCUMENT which explains the process. You will need to fill out and submit an Application, as well as seek a Peer Reference, a Faculty Reference, and a Pastoral Reference. All four components (application and three references) must be submitted by March 14 to be considered as a nominee for senate.
If you have any questions, please contact Principal Shaeffer.

Senior Checklist
Seniors, graduation is coming quick! Click here for a checklist to help you get ready!
Tutoring Available
NHS students will be available for open-house style tutoring on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in the Auditorium during early room. Also, if there are families interested in receiving tutoring for specific classes, they can reach out to Sharon Forshee, and she will work to pair your student up with an NHS student who has availability in their schedule.
Join the Legacy Christian Academy Volunteer Community
If you are planning to volunteer at LCA for events like classroom parties, field trips, drama productions, or the Elementary Field Day, you will need to become an LCA approved volunteer. Most applications and background checks take only 24 hours with a minimal cost of $6 to process the background check. Click here to start the process. Please use a desktop or laptop to fill it out.
Questions? email Cynthia Shaw at cshaw@legacyknights.org

Coaching Opportunities
Currently, we are looking for qualified candidates for the following coaching opportunities:
- Head Varsity/JV Tennis (Spring)
- Varsity Girls Volleyball
For more information, please visit the employment page of our website, located here, or contact Quinn Coupland, Assistant Athletic Director, if you are interested in joining our coaching staff.
Employment Opportunities
Currently, we are looking for qualified candidates for the following positions

- Admissions & Enrollment Coordinator
- Development & Alumni Coordinator
- Director of Advancement
- Event/Volunteer Coordinator
- Elementary Principal
- English Teacher
- High School Principal
- Lower Elementary Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Substitutes
If you are interested, or you know someone who is looking for employment in Christian education, please let him or her know about these exciting and important opportunities. For more information, please visit the employment section of our website, located here.

Upcoming Events
February 17 President's Day - No School
February 21 Day of Prayer and Service
February 21-22 JH Fall Play - Little Women
School Calendar
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Shoes 4 the Shoeless 11th-12th
December 2, 2024
Christmas Program PK-3rd
December 5, 2024
Christmas Program 4th-6th
December 10, 2024
JH/HS Christmas Concert
December 13, 2024
Secondary Exams 7th-12th
December 19, 2024
Elementary Christmas Parties PK-6th
December 20, 2024
End of 2nd Quarter
December 20, 2024
Early Dismissal PK-12th
December 20, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
No School Christmas Break
December 23, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 24, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 25, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 26, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 27, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 28, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 29, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 30, 2024
No School Christmas Break
December 31, 2024

Shop the Spirit Store all year! Orders will ship straight to your house.
Athletic Events
Click Here for this week's Athletic Calendar
(after entering the sport schedule website, if you click on the EVENT window and select SPORT it will give you just the game schedule)